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Shrapnel Jewellery

"EnviroDiamond loves giving away Shrapnel Jewellery that The Ancient Millennial prepares from bits of steel from our process that blows up pipes to make abrasives. When I am at an industry trade show, Shrapnel Jewellery + a business card makes an amazing impact! I've given out personalized pens before and never received the magnitude of attention and appreciation as I have with Shrapnel Jewellery. If your company produces small bits of anything that can be turned into jewellery, I highly recommend that you try this amazing promotional service and take advantage of the opportunity to stand out like you never have before. If you reap the same results we have, people will really appreciate the giveaway and remember you for years."

Daren Swanson, President of EnviroDiamond Technologies Inc.

Shrapnel Jewellery Pendants

Shrapnel Jewellery Wine Glass Charms

Custom Order Form

Do you have your own rocks, debris or shrapnel you'd like converted into jewellery? Or maybe you're not sure if the debris you do have is jewellery worthy?

Send me a message and we'll get to the bottom of it. What better way to use your leftovers than to open new doors or reinforce your brand among existing companies?

We look forward to hearing from you!

Just wanna buy the jewellery in bulk? You got it, check out the products below.